The First Vision

The First Vision

Sunday, March 13, 2011


It is interesting to me that we spend so little time thinking about our prayers. I know people who spend more time mulling over their horoscope then most do on our prayers. It is because they beleive that the horoscope can help them know what to do in their lives. While many of us do not believe in revelation through prayer as much as they beleive in their horoscope.
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

the sacrament

Each new year people make new year resolutions. It is viewed as a new start. That same opportunity is avaiable for us every time we take of the sacrament. We are forgiven of those sins that we have committed and get to start again. What a wonderful thing that we only have to wait 7 days to start fresh; not 365.
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the power of saying things out loud

Why is is so important that we say things out loud? I am sitting in a testimony meeting and listening to the different testimonies. It made me question why is it important to bear testimony? I think that there is power in saying things out loud in the presense of others. Everything we say to others alters there opinion of you. Whether for good or bad, and it is impossible t ever completely take it back. It is for this same reason that it is so important for a developing relationship for the boy/girlfriend to say they love their significant other. Stating it outloud forces us to accept the label that comes with the word. Thus bearing testimony is a way to accept the label of being a member of the church and all that goes along with that label.
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the sacrament

Each new year people make new year resolutions. It is viewed as a new start. That same opportunity is avaiable for us every time we take of the sacrament. We are forgiven of those sins that we have committed and get to start again. What a wonderful thing that we only have to wait 7 days to start fresh; not 365.
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Reason for this blog

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints i believe in revelation. Many prophets have taught that we should write down the thoughts and impressions that come to us. So for that purpose i have created this blog.
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